Friday, April 23, 2010


I want to tell you about the most amazing product I have ever tried with the most rewarding benefits.
Many of you know how ill I have been and have been in treatment for over 3 years for Chronic Fatigue, Epstein Barr Virus, cytomegalovirus, herpes complex syndrome, endocrine disorders, Lyme disease and co-infections of lyme.
Crazy at it seems, less than 4 weeks ago I started trying out a product I found out about through a friend.
Skeptical at first, I started feeling a difference in 3 days time and now I am feeling better stamina, more clarity, and more energy than ever before! I truly feel I am going to not only make it, I will have regained what I have lost in the past 3 years.

The product I am using is called Max GXL, and it is only sold through independent distributors for a company called Max International, based out of Salt Lake City. This product is affordable, natural and it WORKS!

Have you have experienced less energy, poor concentration, listlessness, lack of sleep, aging, illness?
You are NOT alone! Our bodies glutathione levels reduce significantly as we age and when our health declines. We lose 8-12% of our glutathione levels every decade and as oxidative stress levels increase, we don’t have enough glutathione to help support our immune system.
· What is glutathione? A major antioxidant and protector against free radicals and is essential for our immune system. As we age, or have illness, our glutathione levels decrease to the point of no return.
Important Roles of Glutathione
• Fights against oxidative cell damage (from free radicals)
• Protein synthesis
• Amino acid transport
• Cellular detoxification
• Immune system enhancement
• Enzyme activation
• Fights cellular Inflammation
• ATP (energy) production
Our cells are constantly under attack by free radicals, which can cause a reduction of our cells' ability to function optimally.
· How can I raise my glutathione levels? Oral Glutathione is not effective because the molecular structure does not and can not penetrate cell walls, so to get glutathione levels up in your body, you have to have a product that stimulates our amazing body to create its own glutathione. Max Gxl does exactly that. It is a patented product that raises glutathione levels in the lymphocytes, developed by a medical doctor that researched glutathione for over 20 years. ((I had been doing my own research while I was sick and found the same thing: Our bodies NEED glutathione to live, and when we are sick and as we age, glutathione declines.))
· How do I get this product NOW and start feeling great in just a few days? Order online under my website at wholesale cost:
· Click on Preferred Customers, to receive wholesale pricing, or click ASSOCIATE if you want to be a part of this business today. NEXT- click on the product you desire (Max GXL in 60 individual packets, Max GXL Sport (180 capsules), Max N-Fuze (liquid patent pending nano technology that further supports glutathione production) /OR /Max WXL Weight loss technology- a product to retrain your body to regulate its leptin signals, without harmful stimulants or ingredients.
· Autoship is easy and if you choose not to reorder, simply cancel autoship for the following month and no order will come.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email me and I will find out the answers!
If this product doesn’t sound like something you would be interested in, but you know someone that it might help, please forward this information to them or let me know and I will contact them. They will thank you forever.

To wellness!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Writers Block~
If I could muster up the strength
to hoist myself to the top of that wall
and take just a peek over the top,
I wonder: would I have the courage to climb over if I saw-
Stacks of unfolded laundry, unscrubbed floors, and bedsheets draping off unmade beds,
Half written poems and stories scribbled on paper napkins, and calendar dates crossed out, left empty?
Would time stand still, or march right on past my worn out body and decomposing brain,
with its nose held high in the air?
Babes and faithful mate bat uneasy eyes my direction.
Will she ever be whole again?
Just thinking of the wall is a powerhouse workout.
Just wondering what is on the other side, a labyrinth with no exit.
If only the power of the seed that fuels this infirmity would change its mind.
Should my strength allow me just one small peek,
I might shudder at what I see.
I wrote this back in January when I didn't know if I could even make it one more step. I have to say, I have arrived! I feel so good. I have written a hundred posts in my head since January, and hadn't the strength or desire to get them written here. I am a butterfly in a cocoon and I see a small sliver of sunlight peaking through the opening and I am ready to fly. My secret to success isn't really a secret: it's MAX GXL. If you want to Feel Good again, Feel Alive again, Have clarity of Mind and Energy for your day, please, please check out Max products! (That is my web address for preferred customer discounts.)
I am still in treatment 4 days a week. That part is a drag. But life is GOOD, and I am gonna LIVE!
Blessings for a splendid day~