Yesterday during church I participated in an excellent discussion about Priorities. The talk, originally from Julie Beck Women's Conference 2010 states that "When priorities are out of order, we lose power".
Consider our Daily Choices... Now, humor me and make a list with 3 columns:Essentials: Put things here of Eternal nature- prayer, church, scriptures, love, callings, etc.
Necessities:Put things here that are "have to's to live", eating, sleeping, hygiene, shopping, laundry ( I suspect this is where most of us live, most of the time)
Nice to do: Put things here that you enjoy doing ie. hobbies, pleasures, etc.
One young lady commented that when she was stressed out, she found herself filling her time with "Nice-to-do's", but later while on a mission, her life was filled with "Essentials" and she found so much joy in serving others, it naturally became her "Nice to do's".
Another comment I found insightful:
Self Worth does not depend on the length of your to-do list!
How many of us find ourselves busy beyond belief and accomplishing little?
Take a moment today to Ponder on the Path of thy Feet.