Answer to the riddle: common deer tick- shown opposite in larva, nymph, adult female and adult male forms. And now for the rest of the story.....
An epidemic disease is on the continual rise in not only America, but in nearly every country in the world. The disease is called lyme. In some areas it is becoming as ordinary as the common cold, and in the US, it is far more common to get than the West Nile Virus. Symptoms unchecked could lead to fatal diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The general tell tale sign of a tick bite, besides seeing the tick sucking your blood, is the bull’s eye, or EM erythema migrants rash. Unsuspecting individuals might mistake the bull's eye bite and/or rash site for something like a spider bite and/or ring worm, like I did, years and years ago.
Unfortunately, this little bugger can create problems in an individual that might not be recognized for years to come. Patient as dawn before day, infected tick bites can emerge later, without warning, on unsuspecting souls. The scariest part of all- anyone can be bitten at anytime, anywhere, (with a very small exception of a few subnormal climates). So, if you aren’t planning a trip to Antarctica on your next vacation, but you want to protect yourself, even while gardening in your own back yard, stay tuned for some tips to keep you and your family safe as spring comes on.
Now you know what is puzzling me. I have it. I didn't know it. Now it is killing me.
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