Essentials: Put things here of Eternal nature- prayer, church, scriptures, love, callings, etc.
Necessities:Put things here that are "have to's to live", eating, sleeping, hygiene, shopping, laundry ( I suspect this is where most of us live, most of the time)
Nice to do: Put things here that you enjoy doing ie. hobbies, pleasures, etc.
One young lady commented that when she was stressed out, she found herself filling her time with "Nice-to-do's", but later while on a mission, her life was filled with "Essentials" and she found so much joy in serving others, it naturally became her "Nice to do's".
Another comment I found insightful:
Self Worth does not depend on the length of your to-do list!
How many of us find ourselves busy beyond belief and accomplishing little?
Take a moment today to Ponder on the Path of thy Feet.