At various times in the travels of our lives comes a time of redirection. Redirections can come to us in many ways. Perhaps we are seeking a new Job or Relationship. Perhaps it is even more personal- maybe a call to Repentance or Forgiveness-
Some call this Course Correction. How many of you have used a GPS? If you plug in a destination, the GPS generally gets you where you need to go. But you know that little voice that speaks to us when we go off track and says "re-calculate"? That little voice is similar to the one we hear inside our head when we receive new information. The opportunity is then ours to either change course, or stay the same path. Occasionally, recalculation is due to a new roadway that a GPS is unaware of- In our personal lives, I would relate that to a new pathway that has been Course Corrected, and replaced with a more improved and positive pathway.
Course corrections are rarely comfortable, but nearly always necessary and healthier in the long run. With redirection, we may find a new friend, a job, repair a relationship, or seek a new destination, that we may never have known was possible.
Could it be that little word called- Change that we are running away from?
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