Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Surprises

I love surprises. I love them so much that once on my 30th birthday, my husband surprised me with a weekend Get away.  I was told what to pack, but not where we were going. I thought we might be heading out the Gorge or to the San Juan Islands,  afterall, I knew it wouldn't be too far from home as I had a 6 month old nursing baby at home!  When we turned into the Portland Airport parking garage, my heart skipped a dozen beats and I began panicking all at the same time at the thought of leaving my baby a 2 hour flight behind and praying I'd packed the breast pump! 

Imagine my thrill at receiving a 'love-letter' upon waking on the 14th of December.  Not just any old love letter, but rather an old fashioned love letter with a homemade rendition of the 12-days of Christmas.  This week has been one surprise after another.

Day 1: I received a glass blown partridge with a white flowing feather tail, perched in a miniature white wire tree with paper pears dangling from each branch.
Day 2: A yummy box of Carmel pecan Turtles and a bottle of Dove body wash
Day 3: 3 French Crullers with paper hens poking out of the tops
Day 4:  A phone call from my hubby and a Christmas bouquet with 4 Birds of Paradise
Day 5: Five Gold Presidential $1 coins
Day 6: A 6 egg quiche delivered while laying in bed.

Tomorrow is Day 7.  Any guesses what 7 Swans of swimming will be??

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